Central Securities Clearing System Plc is the Clearing and Settlement House
of the Nigerian Capital Market and the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE).
Incorporated on July 29, 1992 and commenced operations on April 14, 1997
CSCS Digital Center's paper conversion service includes paper preparation, scanning, indexing, and hosting
same for secure online retrieval.
CSCS Digital Center has Disaster Recovery facilities which ensure business
continuity. We have deployed one of the most robust off-site
data replication facilities for the purpose of disaster recovery.
CSCS Plc has taken measures to allay any apprehension investors may have on the security of their stocks
under the cscs System procedures.
" We create value by providng seurities depository,clearing, settlement and
other services driven by innovative technology and highly skilled work-force."
"To be the globally respected and leading Central Securities Depository in Africa"
• Monitor your stock position regularly.
• Know the "Buy" and "Sell" prices of your stocks.
• Know your transaction history